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Your Health Insurance and Your Taxes??

This year as the Affordable Care Act has taken full effect, you will need your health insurance information for your tax preparation. Preparers need to know: Were you covered? For some of you this will be easy peasy. Were you covered by an employer plan? Yes, done! For everyone else ~ Was it through the Marketplace or Your States’ Equivalent? If yes, have you received a Form 1095-A which is chock full of information for us about your coverage. Did you receive a Premium Credit? Were you covered for the entire year or only a few months? We will need to know all of this and more.

Tax time

It’s that wonderful time of the year again when we get to root through all of our papers, receipts and miscellaneous piles of papers looking for tax documents. One way to avoid this exercise, however enjoyable a past-time it might be for you, is to start a file (paper or electronic) in which you can place all of your year end statements as they arrive. When it’s time for your tax appointment, you can just email or bring that folder.

When we are trying to change, what do we need….Motivation!

(Originally posted: 2/1/11)

So, still thinking about changing and the stages in making major changes in our lives. We know that if we have clear defined goals that we feel strongly about attaining we have a better of success. But sometimes even if we are working towards goals that are vital to our happiness we stumble along the way and get discouraged. The motivation that we need during times of change unfortunately is mostly going to need to come from us. The key is to plan for this in advance and build in a system that will help us reach our goal. It should be a system with several components, perhaps prizes, an encouraging buddy, some motivating mantras, programs and/or music and perhaps even a do over moment or day, if things really go awry.

If you’re a parent, perhaps you’ve used a star chart with your child. Even if you are working on a task or a behavior that was negative for your child they are usually so happy about the star chart that overall it becomes a positive experience. So what would a “big” kid star chart look like?? Okay so it doesn’t have to be an actual chart but you do need some positive reinforcement for your commitment and dedication. This has to be what would work for you but some ideas could be a small prize, a massage, a lunch date with a friend, a book you’ve been wanting to read and I could go on and on because that’s what it would have to do to include something for everyone. You know you best. If your partner or best friend was going to surprise you with a little something to cheer you up on a down day what would you want that to be???

Next comes the encouraging buddy. Please keep in mind when thinking of someone for this role that you really do want to reach your goal and that you’ve probably already done all of the research necessary for that to happen. You also know the reasons that reaching your goal are important to you and how your life will change when it happens. You don’t want this person to lecture or educate you! You want them to support you. Sometimes if the appropriate friend or partner is not available, a coach is necessary. If you meet someone with a similar goal it can be ideal for both of you. As an adult one of the best ways to meet other like minded individuals is your business networking groups. Usually those people are motivated proactive people who strive to stay positive in their journey. You can form your own support group. Just don’t forget to celebrate together when those goals are reached.

Materials that support and encourage can come from many places. Your place of worship, your women’s or men’s club, the self-help section of the bookstore, the internet including Hayhouse and their many talented authors and the list just goes on. Don’t be afraid to look around and see what’s out there.

And sometimes you could have a completely off day or even week. Unless you know that you’re purposely bailing, be kind and gentle to yourself. Pick yourself up, dust off a bit and go on. And please remember that even if you’re not religious great power can be found in prayer and meditation, even if you’re praying to your higher self.

Good luck and Godspeed on staying the course.

Change – part 2

(Originally posted: 1/24/11)

So we all agree that to fully embrace changes that we want to make in our lives, that some part of our very lives, minute to minute, day to day are going to have to be different. That can be exhausting and exhilarating at the same time. The first thing that I think we need to do is to have 100% commitment, not 99%, but a full 100%. This difference that we want to make in our lives is not optional, negotiable and the last time I checked this is not a dress rehearsal. We don’t want to come around to 2012 and put this desired outcome on our resolution list again. We want to embrace the change completely here and now because it’s the only certain that we have. It might sound melodramatic but tomorrow might never come so let’s focus on what’s really important to us. If you put goals on your resolutions list or your dream board that are to impress other people or goals that you could never really give 100% of your commitment to then remove them now and agree that you won’t add them again unless your circumstances have changed and you could commit 100% to them. This is an agreement between you and you so let go of the fear, roll up your sleeves and get on track to achieve those goals. If you’re pondering now that you might have to go back and purge some of the items on your list and maybe even make a new list, guess what??? Do it! January 1st is the start of a new calendar year but you can decide on any given day to embrace the change that you want to see in your life. You can only start from where you are and go forward with good intentions.


(Originally posted: 1/18/11)

Change is one of the most difficult factors that we face as human beings. It might be our biggest fear outside of death.  And as is death, change is unavoidable. Even when there appears to be zero change and we are stuck, we are changing. The caveat is that we are changing to the same old thing time and time again. Our bodies constantly rebuild every single cell, in fact, in seven years the entire body is refreshed. Many factors go into how changes occur around us as well as in us. Our thoughts, feelings and emotions play a huge role. If we come from a place of balance and flexibility we can withstand and perhaps embrace change easier than if we are rigid in our body and thinking. Yoga, meditation, tai chi have all been thought to help us become more flexible and balanced. So as we come into the New Year with our resolutions, goals and dreams we know that to incorporate some of these into our life, we must embrace the change.

New Year – part 2

(Originally posted: 1/11/11)

Do you have the holiday hangover? Many people feel let down after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. I think that one of the things we most miss after the holidays is that time to enjoy the wonderful people with whom we share our lives personally and professionally. So with this in mind, get out for coffee, tea or a meal. Schedule a walk with a friend. If it’s freezing cold or rainy, walk around the mall together. Go to a networking event and meet some new people. Making new connections enriches our lives and encourages us in our day to day. Start where you are and enjoy the New Year!

A New Year

(Originally posted: 1/4/10)

One of my resolutions for this year, is to spend more time networking. Where do resolutions come from? Are they well thought out or spur of the moment to fulfill the need for a resolution? For many of my adult years, I’ve struggled with the New Year’s Celebration with much of the focus on resolutions and such. I wouldn’t really think about it much and then on New Year’s Eve or worse, New Year’s Day someone would give me pen and paper to record my resolutions. I was just not prepared. So I’ve been trying a different strategy. Starting in the fall, I begin thinking about my year. What worked, what bombed, what did I love, like, hate, etc, etc. What excites me? I accumulate all of those ideas, answers, dreams and then when the New Year comes I am ready to begin to implement my new ideas and let go of habits and beliefs that no longer serve me. This year I am also completing a dream or vision board at this time. While boarding is not new to me, it is the first time I am preparing one at the start of a new year focusing on change with the support of the collective energy of most of our world. So, Happy New Year to You!


(Originally posted: 8/9/10)

One hears so much about social networking these days. FaceBook, Twitter, My Space, LinkedIn, etc, etc. Given the number of people networking online, it would seem logical everyone must have enough business and more friends than they can count. Oh, if only that were the case. Online networking is only one part of connecting with other people. You really do have to get out there and get some face time, maybe even the occasional hug. You need that connection and so does your business so what is stopping you?? If it’s fear, please don’t let it keep you from taking the plunge. The more you connect with other people the easier it gets. Find the groups that work for you. Chat, maybe even online, with other people that you like and ask about their networking. Visit some meetings with them. Check your local paper’s business section for the calendar and find out what groups are meeting and when. Pick the ones that will work for you and visit them. Once you find the right group for you, get involved. Fill a leadership role. And, of course, make sure they have a FaceBook Like page because virtual networking is important too. LOL

Grounding …and your network.

(Originally posted: 5/18/10)

This week my thoughts are going off in at least 30 different directions.  When one works in a business alone, one of the hardest things is to stay focused and motivated. When I’m in that place, my network often reconnects me to my sense of purpose.  It will help me refocus and stay grounded.   My network is a needed resource at times like that.

Groups that meet on a regular basis, as we do, become accustomed to each other’s energy. We know, probably on an intuitive level more than a conscious one, when someone has lost their focus. As you interact during the week with the other members they will offer what you need. Sometimes it’s just a kind word.  Other times, it’s a lunch date, time for coffee/tea, or even help with a business strategy.  All this often before we’ve even met for the week.

Our meetings definitely affect what we bring to the rest of our week. The meetings are always fun; and who doesn’t need some mid-week fun. Spending time with other business owners and professionals that are also focused on success can recharge your desire and reengage you in your personal drive to bring your best. Each meeting is a dynamic experience that changes based on the energy and needs of the group.   I’m always amazed at how the group’s energy come together and serves the needs of the individual members.

So what do you need this week, in your business, to support your dreams, goals and plans?

It’s Planting Season!

(Originally posted: 5/1/10)

If you are a gardener, it is time to plant. You can use gardening as a metaphor for your life. Now is the time to plant the seeds and cultivate the relationships with the people in your networks. And please don’t turn your nose up to the term “networks”, it’s really just a way to classify our relationships. We have many networks and most are not business or strictly business related. Church, school, sports leagues, quilting circles and book clubs are all networks.

Some of the most successful people that I have known in my life are very conscious of their networks although many would never call it that. We’ve all known the women who basically run the church, temple or ashram. They make sure to spend time and energy to foster the connections that they make. Most know everyone and are known by everyone. When someone new comes along they are the welcoming force of nature that invites the entire community to introduce and open their arms to the newcomer.

We can certainly learn much from their example. If we participate in our networks to truly grow more intimate with those around us and become part of their life then we will in turn benefit ourselves. Look not for personal gain but for communal growth. And always remember be true to your spirit and heart. So get out there and plant some seeds of connection!