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Grounding …and your network.

(Originally posted: 5/18/10)

This week my thoughts are going off in at least 30 different directions.  When one works in a business alone, one of the hardest things is to stay focused and motivated. When I’m in that place, my network often reconnects me to my sense of purpose.  It will help me refocus and stay grounded.   My network is a needed resource at times like that.

Groups that meet on a regular basis, as we do, become accustomed to each other’s energy. We know, probably on an intuitive level more than a conscious one, when someone has lost their focus. As you interact during the week with the other members they will offer what you need. Sometimes it’s just a kind word.  Other times, it’s a lunch date, time for coffee/tea, or even help with a business strategy.  All this often before we’ve even met for the week.

Our meetings definitely affect what we bring to the rest of our week. The meetings are always fun; and who doesn’t need some mid-week fun. Spending time with other business owners and professionals that are also focused on success can recharge your desire and reengage you in your personal drive to bring your best. Each meeting is a dynamic experience that changes based on the energy and needs of the group.   I’m always amazed at how the group’s energy come together and serves the needs of the individual members.

So what do you need this week, in your business, to support your dreams, goals and plans?

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